Wednesday, October 20, 2010


**i found this on sumone's blog and sharing my answer for this survey here. My answers are the ones with red highlights  ;) . Feel free to tag urself and paste this to your bloggie peeps! Mwaxxx!

1. Your Appearance.

I have blonde hair.
I have Brown/Black hair.
I have red hair.
I have a different color of hair.
I have highlights.
They are natural.
I think I’m pretty.
I think I am ugly.
I think I am okay looking or in the middle of pretty and ugly.
I am comfortable with my appearance.
I would change something to do with my appearance.
My teeth are bright white.
I wear lots and lots of make-up.
I wear an average amount of make-up.
I don’t wear make-up.
I am stereotyped.
I hate being stereotyped.
I’m tall.
I’m short.
I’m medium.
I have blue eyes.
I have green eyes.
I have brown eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
My hair is naturally straight.
My hair is naturally wavy.
I like my hair.
I hate my hair.
I have large feet.
My feet are small.
My hands are big.
My hands aren’t big.
I never get pimples.

2. Relationships.

I have a boyfriend.
I am single.
I like being single.
I hate being single.
It is hard for me not to flirt.
I have never cheated on a guy before.
I have cheated on a guy 1+ times.
I regret that. ^^
I would take a bullet for my boyfriend.
My boyfriend would take a bullet for me. Haha.
My boyfriend is hot. XD
I see boyfriend at least once a day.
If I had a boyfriend I would be much happier.
I like being known as “His Girlfriend.”
I would pick a guy/my boyfriend over all of my friends…
That's just crazy. ^^
I listen to songs over and over again if they remind me of the boy I love.
I trust my boyfriend with my life.

3. Friends.

I have more than 1 best friend.
If I had to choose my very very best friend, I couldn’t do it.
If I had to choose my very very best friend, I could do it, but it would be very very hard.

I have one good friend I can tell everything to.
Sometimes my friends make me feel left out.
I like being around new people.
My best friend lives close to me.
I hate it when my best friend and I get in a big fight over the stupidest things.
I believe that all true friends must have fights in order to make it work.
My friends are known as the popular or preppy group.
I think they are just ordinary people.
I would take a bullet for my friends.
I love partying with my friends.
My house is the place to be.
My friends and I always hang out.
I would never pick a guy over my friends.
My friends sometimes make fun of me but they are just joking.
My friends are good at sports.
My friends and I are pretty close.

4. Family.

I have a brother.
I have a sister.
I have no brothers or sisters.
That makes me an only child.
I have 2+ brothers.
I have 2+ sisters.
My parents are not divorced.
My parents are divorced.
My parents fight a lot/used to fight a lot.
I’m kind of happy my parents are divorced because now I don’t have to hear them fight.
I hate the fact my parents are divorced.
I have clothes at my mom’s and my dad’s house.
I live with my mom.
I live with my dad.
I live with both my parents.
All of my siblings live with me.
I am the oldest child in my household.
I am the middle child in my household.
I am the youngest child in my household.
I have stepbrothers.
I have stepsisters.
I have living grandparents.
I have living great-grandparents.
I have more than 2 aunts and 2 uncles.
I have A LOT of cousins.

5. Make-up, Clothes, & Shoes.
dark eyeliner.
pink blush.
light eyeliner.
another color of blush.
white eyeshadow.
another color of eyeshadow.
teeth whitener.

baggy jeans.
tight jeans.
in-the-middle jeans.
designer jeans.
mini skirts.
mini shorts.
sweat pants.
flannel/pajama pants.
blue jean shorts.
khaki shorts.
soft/loose shorts.
tank tops.
loose tee shirts.
tight tee shirts.
big tee shirts.
band tee shirts.
two piece swim suits.
1 piece swim suits.

tennis shoes.
air jordans.
adidas shox.
high top running/basketball shoes
other types of running/basketball shoes.
track spikes.
flip flops.
high heels.


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