Monday, November 8, 2010


Hari ni tadi, kteorg punya class from 12 til 7pm! Gila memang gila!! Mak datang dari jauh pun kena tunggu aku kat rumah. HAHAHAHA. Okay, hari ni takde lah best sangat, as usual me, Fifi & Cqin went to have our lunch at Planet Sambal.

BLA BLA BLA BLA ... let's skip to the best part.

Tadi, masa 2nd slot of our English class, from 5 til 7pm, kteorg kena buat presentation. So, since our group belum buat presentation, we all kena attend that slot. While we're still in class, kteorg got a Q&A session after each group buat presentation. Fuihhhh! The best part....Me and Fifi siap berebut" lagi cari questions yang hard and rational. Ada yang tak dapat jawab, ada yang jawab tapi jawapan sangat common and tak click with the question given.

So, here i wanna say,
hai my fellow juniors, beware of me during presentation! HAHAHAHAHA. Tapi overall, tadi semua junior boleh click with me, siap tak nak kena soal yang susah" but sorry hunneyh, i have to, it's my job to ask. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Oh, as for my sayang,
Hubby, today is the first day of your exam, so buat the best k sayang. Muah muah. Semakin hari semakin bijak, matang, and loving  <3

BUT BUT BUT, still merajuk with him cause dia balik Sri Aman during my Annual Dinner. So, i guess, all the single ladies, put your hands up!!!!  =)


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