Monday, January 3, 2011


Okay people. 
Seriously, this December's holiday was the packed ever for me cz so many plans was made!!!! 

23 DECEMBER 2010
Hellooooo Sri Aman. Well, nothing much to story about just we arrived in SA then we hang out that nite with Winne, Brenda, Franc and Reyz. Hahahaha. It was such a short time but yet we had so many laughters. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
* saying good nite and happy resting for a few days to my car,REDBUG.i'm gonna miss you  ;( *

24 DECEMBER 2010
It was 6am when we depart from SA and then off to Sibu as our 1st stop. We had breakfast at Hafiz's mom / Jesz's future mother-in-law's stall where they sell ROJAK. Sedap tauuuu but sadly it was too early and they're not preparing anything yet during that time. On that short stop also, i met Hafiz's 2nd brother, Hazmer. Funny and easy to uproach person. Macam abg dia gak laaa tu!!!!  =.="  Then, i cant recall what time we berangkat from Sibu but a bit late than scheduled. No worries!! My turn to drive.... FAST & FURIOUS!!! lol.
We arrived in Bintulu around 12 something. Hell-yeah! I drove 160km/j. Crazy???!!!! Nahhh, fast but safe dearrrrr!!! Then it was Jac's turn to drive from there to Miri since i don't know the way yet. We saw so many funny and weird things on the left and right roadside along the way. LOL!!
At 2.59pm we arrived in Miri and damn yeah it was such a tiring experience. But bila dah tengok Miri rasa lega cause kteorg selamat  =)
Checked in at Kingwood Inn Hotel, and the elevator is OMF-Gucci!!! Sangat lah antique. Lupa plak aku nak amik pic elevator tu  =.=  sumpah oldskool sial!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

25 DECEMBER 2010
Aku sakit kaki. Ya, dan aku tak dapat join Jac untuk ke rumah her friend for Christmas. But dalam aku lepak" kat bilik hotel, aku gerak" kan kaki aku. Haih...Then, it's moving quite okay. Me and Jac decide nak g around the bay side nak take pictures...but but but, ramai giler manusia pergi beach, then kteorg realize yang rupanya it was weekend + holidays!!! But we did took some pics while we're there but not much.


Akhirnya dapat jugak la aku Christmas to Jac's cousins house. Disambut meriah and they are all very friendly. O__O
Ini peminat saya. Jdison Punpun  =) sweet!~

26 DECEMBER 2010
Preparing to go home.
Sempat singgah at Luak Esplanade,Miri for a few pictures. *Still banyak org!!*

Arrived at SA around 9pm and terus hangout with Franc and Brenda. Winne tak join coz dia kat kampung, christmas eve is still hot on track kan?? HAHAHA!!! Tired hangout, we all went home. Me and Jac stayed a night at my mom's house in SA. ZZzzzZZzzzzZzzzzZ!!!~

*these are some pics we've took on our way home*
-rumah chendai : special tag for Winne..HAHAHA-

27 DECEMBER 2010
Ready ourselves, packed our bags and moved our stuff from the Rav4 that we used to travelled with to my REDBUG. aaaww, momma misses you!!!  ;(  HAHAHAHA. Then, as planned, we picked Franc up at her house then we had b'fast....Ooops! Nope. It was LUNCH. HAHAHAHA. We had lunch at this quite new restaurant, The Chicken Rice, if i'm not mistaken. LOL! Felt that i've been not home for so long sampai aku sendiri tak tau pun ada kedai makan baru yang bukak. While we're there, we met Sulu-Sarawak. She's the song/lyric writer which create the very famous song, Izinkan Ku Pergi by well-known singer, Kaer AF. And banyak lagi la lirik yang dia dah buat. Sempat jugak take pics  ;)  awww, she's pretty and friendly.
Out of the restaurant, we saw Brenda and her cousin Dugek.

*during Lunch*

*us with Sulu-Sarawak*

Me, Jac, Franc, Brenda and Dugek went to Kompleks Sukan to have our last hangout. Sempat take silly pics of us. FUNNY!!! Then we're off to Panorama Benak. Again we took pics. Sumpah!! The pics makes us laugh insane!  =)) lol.










After all those laughing and taking pictures, me and Jac make our move back to Kuching.


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